‎13% of Canadians have a criminal record. Don't be prevented from travelling, volunteering, or let it hurt your career. Remove it with us.

A Straight Life Is The Best Life - Leading By Example

“Success”: favorable termination of attempts; attainment; triumph; fruition – the concept, regardless of how it is defined, always produces a positive, anticipating, elating feeling.
No matter how minor or serious the circumstance might be that a troubled person is contending with, to feel a measure of success when having overcome the consequences is uplifting to say the least.

Here is a brief story of a woman who, after overcoming a controlling drug addiction, has become successful and content and has gained a renewed sense of well being after receiving her Canadian pardon.

As a young woman she was introduced to drugs, which led to a life of destruction, as is so obvious. She worked hard to totally dissociate herself from all involvement with crime or past associates. She is very remorseful when looking back and realizing all those wasted years. She has not indulged in drugs or alcohol for nearly twenty years. Her goals now are to continue teach her family by example - that a straight life is the best life. And to continue to grow - by helping her community thus achieving self-fulfillment.

She has done a complete turnaround with the love and support of her family who have helped her overcome her past. She has lived a quiet life, caring for her grandson while her daughter worked and her elderly mother. She also taught illiterate adults to read and write, a most valuable experience as she was helping not only herself, but others as well.

A pardon from Pardon Services Canada has given her the freedom to travel with her family to the U.S. on holidays. She no longer lives with the fear of someone in the community finding out about her past, which she so regrets. She also has been given the opportunity to do volunteer work that her criminal record had previously prevented.

If you are in similar circumstances yourself, Contact Pardon Services Canada for help applying for and obtaining your Canadian criminal pardon. You too can gain the peace of mind and a second shot at living a life free of a criminal record.

Everyone makes mistakes. Don’t let your past limit your future.
Daily Affirmation: I have 2 choices for the situation I’m in. Change it or accept it.
"The greater the handicap, the greater the triumph." Let Pardon Services Canada help you obtain a pardon for your criminal record. Call Us!
Learn more about how Pardon Services Canada can help you. Take a minute to hear a message from our founder: http://tinyurl.com/4ngyz5p
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"The path of least resistance is the path of the loser." H.G.Wells - Don't get lazy. If you have a record, it may come back to haunt you.
Canadian Background Check Is Only $49 - find out if you have a record in just 24 hrs! READ MORE HERE: http://tinyurl.com/6dkhw6u

Realizations When You Remove Your Criminal Record

At Pardon Services Canada, we deal with people from all walks of life. The one common element they all share is a spot on their record from the past. In order to move on with their lives without hassle as a result of this record, obtaining a criminal pardon is the logical next step. This opens up a myriad of opportunities.

Here is a assorted list of things people realize when they Remove Their Record.

Peace of mind
The most important reason to remove your criminal record is to take that weight off your shoulders once and for all. Relax and simply move on with your life, at long last.

Family vacations
Wouldn't you like to take your family somewhere other than Canada? With your criminal record expunged, and waiver for the US organized, you can travel without hindrance to places you have dreamed of traveling to.

Self forgiveness
We are hardest on ourselves. If you are in a position to be forgiven by the law, your society and the world, it is time to forgive yourself as well. Removing your record will erase that part of your past, and the darkness on your mind, once and for all.

Some sayings/quotes make more sense now
Some famous quotes surround the issue of pardons and forgiveness.
Here are a few:

To err is human, to forgive, divine.
Alexander Pope
Essay on Criticism

Forgiveness is better than revenge.
Pittacus of Mitylene

I pardon him as God shall pardon me.
William Shakespeare
The Tragedy of King Richard the Second (King Henry at V, iii)

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

Forgive thyself little, and others much.

Always forgive your enemies--nothing annoys them so much.
Oscar Wilde

Lesson from history
When the first George Washington was young, he chopped down a mature cherry tree in his backyard. His father was furious, and when asked if he had done it, he said: "I cannot tell a lie..I did cut it with my little hatchet." The tale is famous because it not only told of the importance of truth and honesty, but also the folly found within every man, and the forgiveness we all gain over time. This young boy overcame the stigma of a small transgression to become the most powerful man of his day.

A new leaf
People change. While we may have been more reckless and wild in our youth, we mellow with age, we mature, and we become more responsible. It is unfair and unnecessary to carry a stigma throughout your entire life from the indiscretions of your youth. Forgiveness is forgiveness, and people are allowed to learn and grow. Without pardons, there would be no forward progress.

In some provinces, one person can explicitly request another person’s criminal record. Your business should be your business, especially if you have already completed your sentence – whatever it was. With a pardon, your record will be hidden, and your past forgotten and inaccessible.

Simply knowing that you have a criminal record can be a stressful burden. It can create tension, both real and imagined, with family, friends and loved ones. With your record removed once and for all, you can breathe easy again.

A good night's sleep
Worrying about the ramifications of a having a criminal record can keep you up at night. Will my boss find out? Should I tell my family? How will I cross the border? Will they know? Is it really worth it? If you have your record expunged once and for all, you will be able to rest easy.

Canadian citizenship
If you are not a Canadian citizen, you still can have a Canadian criminal record. This can be a problem if you have been waiting for your citizenship papers to come through, or if you have loved ones in the country dependent on you. It is impossible to gain citizenship with a criminal record, unless, of course, you acquire a pardon first. If you are a landed immigrant and you get a record, you could be faced with deportation. Don’t let this happen. Contact us first.

Everyday hassles
If you are pulled over by the police for any reason, they can run your name and see that you have a criminal record, no matter when it happened. Customs officers also have access to your record; even if you cross the border to go shopping, they can see everything. With a pardon, these records are removed from view and awkward explainable situations are eliminated.

More and more programs require that you complete a criminal record check before applying. A pardon can keep your files separate so that your record will not appear in a search and you can further your education based on your merits.

There are many jobs that require an employer to take insurance out on their employees. Security agencies, banks, even most moving companies will ask you to be bonded. While having a criminal record may not prevent you from getting the job outright, it is more expensive for an employer to bond you with a record, so they may choose to go with the other candidate simply because he/she does not have a record (or already had their record removed!)

You may not be allowed to adopt a child if you have a criminal record. Often, people are not aware of this stipulation and find out too late that their record is in the way. It is best to remove your record far in advance, to keep your doors open for the future.

Finally bury that skeleton
Many people live with a criminal record as if it is a skeleton in a closet. They don't want to talk about it. They just want to pretend it isn't there at all. Unfortunately, sometimes your past can come back to haunt you, and often at the most inappropriate times. Family vacations, business trips to the United States, and nosy people prying can bring a forgotten record back to life. Sometimes, it's easier to just have it gone – for good.

Future employment
Many employers ask for a background check before you begin working. Positions may ask that you be “bonded,” which means that you must have no record on file. In this uncertain market, it is advisable to not only have an updated resume, but take the time to have your record expunged so that you do not eliminate yourself from new or future opportunities or advancement.

"Spot checks" at the workplace
Companies are known to cull the heard. It is becoming more common for employers to do a criminal background check on their current employees. Overnight, you could lose your job. It happens. Get a pardon.

You may not be able to volunteer for many worthy causes with a criminal record. With a pardon, your record will be sealed and you will be able to maintain your social responsibilities.

International travel
Canada is a diverse nation of diverse people. While our country is truly fantastic, do not limit yourself from seeing the world! You may not be able to travel outside of Canada with a criminal record.

Now just think.

How many of things on this assorted list apply to you? You are not alone. Infact, 13% of all Canadians have a criminal record. Even if you do not have a criminal record, chances are that you know someone who does.

Either way, there is great news. Pardon Services Canada can help you. Actually, we guarentee that we can help you get your pardon - or your money back. Our success rate is 99%.

If you are serious about taking the next steps, or you just need a little more information, call us now. We have a specialist for you - no matter what your record. Call 1-8-NOW-PARDON. Let's remove your record!
New Blog Post: Realizations When You Remove Your Criminal Rcord - have a look - http://tinyurl.com/rwyrycr
A criminal record limits your ability to travel. But it doesn’t have to. http://tinyurl.com/46dh5on - Call a specialist today 1-8-NOW-PARDON
Daily Affirmation: My Future is Glorious!
There are 2 rules of success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know.

Pardons allow new start, applicants say.

Here is a brief summary of a recent article by CBC News. To read the original article, please follow the link at the bottom of this article.

Old habits do die hard, but there comes a time when habits have to be broken: The cycle that so often plagues people struggling to cope with too little, if any, income and the demands of daily life – the cycle that sometimes leads to desperate acts, often illegal ones, results in a criminal record.

Over 4 million people in Canada have criminal records; and spokespeople at the Parole Board of Canada, the RCMP, and the Department of Justice say that only a very small percentage of people apply for pardons, often because they have no choice. Applying for a pardon is a long process involving hundreds of dollars in expenses in addition to the administrative fee that the Parole Board now charges – a fee increased just last December from $50 to $150.

If a person has a criminal record and has not been pardoned, finding housing, crossing the border into the U.S., getting a job, even just part time, is next to impossible. Not having a pardon is a “big deal.” Many application forms ask if the applicant has committed a crime for which the person has not been pardoned. Even when a company might hire someone without checking his or her criminal history, there is the constant fear that the criminal record will be discovered. And should a situation occur that causes management to do a company-wide background check, that record will indeed be discovered, usually leading to dismissal.

To apply for a pardon, individuals must have served their sentences or paid their fines and lived crime-free for five or ten years, depending on the severity of the offence; and they must pay the application fee. Now the Parole Board wants to raise that fee to more than $600 from $150, and Public Safety Minister Vic Toews feels that the applicant “should be paying for those pardons on a cost-recovery basis” – that is, pay the full cost, believing ordinary Canadians shouldn’t have to shoulder the expense.

Individuals can apply for a pardon by themselves however, the process can be difficult. The petition can be aided by using Pardon Services Canada, a reputable private company established in 1989 and having a success rate of 99 percent. The services include creating and compiling all the necessary forms required to support the application and handling all communications from the NPB and other government agencies. All documents required are obtained in a timely manner, and each case is processed expeditiously.

The Harper government wants the Parole Board to allow fewer pardon applications and spend more time on each, with the board’s cost breakdown estimating the increased administrative cost at $631!

Opponents of the heftier fees feel the issue is about more than cost. Most individuals applying for pardons live on low incomes, and the additional amount is purely out of reach. Toews recognizes these legitimate factors, thus the Parole Board held public consultations in February when Canadians were asked to say what they thought of quadrupling the price. Dozens of people reacted by saying that the higher cost will make a pardon impossible to get.

Most pardons are given to people who commit non-violent offences. Worthy of note is this list of Offences from 2000-2010 that earned pardons. Shouldn’t we be helping rather than hindering those who struggle to reintegrate into society?
Pardons allow new start, applicants say
Parole board begins consultations on pardon application fee hike
Thinking of intl. travel? A pardon will help you avoid potential disappointment and embarrassment. Call us to help you today. 1-8-NOW-PARDON
Daily Affirmation: I see challenges as opportunities for growth.
"What is not started today is never finished tomorrow" There's no better time than the present to apply for a pardon. Clear your good name.
Daily Affirmation: Today, I will concentrate on taking one step forward, however small.

Options should you be stopped at the U.S. border.

Here is a brief summary of an article that recently appeared in The Globe and Mail. To read the original article, please follow the link at the bottom of this summary.
What should you do if denied entry because of a criminal conviction, perhaps one that happened decades ago?

Consider this hypothetical experience: Imagine you're at a U.S. Immigration checkpoint, travelling to attend a meeting or convention, close a business transaction, or take trip to Disneyland. A U.S. Immigration officer discovers that you were involved in a “criminal matter” years ago.

If you’re denied entry to the United States, your travel plans may be jeopardized, and it might even have a detrimental effect on your career – travelling south of the border is what many Canadian business people do occasionally as part of their jobs.

If so, here’s a word to the wise: Don’t panic. It’s understandable that you might become nervous in such a situation, appearing suspect to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers. It might even be tempting to ramble on in a way that makes an officer suspicious. Others might lose their cool and display a bad attitude. None of these reactions would prove beneficial and could result in refusal of admission.

So if you’re questioned about your prior criminal history, think carefully before answering, and remain calm. Instead, fully disclose all your arrests and convictions, including any “minor indiscretions” that might have happened long ago as a youth or young adult.

U.S. immigration laws outline specific categories of crimes and offences that generally categorize inadmissibility offences. Canadian travellers can find themselves questioned about their inadmissibility for instances in their past involving either drug-related offences (controlled-substance violations) or crimes involving dishonesty (crimes involving moral turpitude). There are exceptions to the rule, though, and recalling as many facts as possible may allow you to make your originally scheduled flight to the United States.

Even in the event that you’re turned away that day, there’s still hope. You may be able to apply for a Non-immigrant Waiver of Inadmissibility to the United States. Or you may have to provide court records demonstrating that the inadmissibility provisions of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act don’t apply in your case.

Even if you are not technically inadmissible to the United States, you may require advance assessment by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Admissibility Review Office to advise of your admissibility in the form of an official letter.

So stay calm, don’t panic, and don’t do anything foolish. Work within the system, and if necessary, work with an expert and chances are you’ll be able to return to the United States without having to worry.

Read the full story Denied entry to the U.S.? Don’t panic. by Tony Wilson as it appeared in the Globe and Mail.